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                BUSINESS POLICY
                Not just AC drive and UPS factory in China, but a highly valued global production base
                Integrate the advantages of China and Japan, develop innovative IT solutions, and become the most competitive production base in the world
                Effectively adopt TMEIC’s high-end technology, and consistently supply high quality products for customers
                Be a company that fully leverages its employees’ abilities and ensures they are passionate in their work until retirement
                COURSE OF ACTION
                • Rapid
                  Rapid development, communication, and decision making
                • Concise
                  Value concise organization, information, presentation
                • Learning
                  Stress self-responsibility and self-motivation Study Hard
                • Expanding
                  Aim high, innovate, and continuously improve Working methods
                • Sincere
                  Be sincere in dealing with customers and others
                • Safe
                  Actively create a safe and comfortable working environment
                  and protect employees’ physical and mental health